6 Important Method to Recover a Dull Tiled Floor

Solutions to shine old tiles

The ground looks gray? To shine dull tiling, grandmother's tricks are second to none. Simple, natural and economical products, a minimum of elbow grease and patience, this is how to recover an old tile or make a dirty floor shine!

1. White vinegar to recover the tiles

Yes, again him. As a great champion of natural, effective and inexpensive cleaning, white vinegar can also recover tired old tiles , even when it accumulates years of grime and dust. The method ? We add about 4 tablespoons in a large bucket of hot water, before washing with a mop to restore all the shine to the tiles.

2. Detach a tile with baking soda

White vinegar's best friend is him, and if there are stains that worsen dull tiles, they are rubbed with a damp sponge soaked in baking soda. Its slight abrasive effect acts like a very fine sandpaper to polish the surface of the tile and restore it to its original color, especially for stoneware, ceramic, terracotta or cement tiles.
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3. Clean dull tiles with milk

Strange, but true, one of Grandma's best-known tricks for recovering old tiles is to clean them with pure milk. The method is not very practical, since you have to wet all the tiles with the milk before letting it dry, then rinse with water and white vinegar and polish all with a cloth… but it is supposed to offer stunning results on dull tiles, especially if they are colored.

4. Black soap to revive the tiles

It cleans, nourishes, protects and boosts the shine of tiles . Black soap, another natural grandmother's natural household specialist, is ideally suited to most tiles, simply diluted in hot water such as white vinegar. It can also be applied with a sponge on stained tiles, but is more effective on matt than glossy tiles. For the shine, we rather put on white vinegar!

5. Recover a tile with the cooking water from the potatoes

This is a grandmother's tip that cannot be invented: rather than throwing away the cooking water from boiled potatoes, it is used barely cooled as cleaning water on the tiles . The starch in the water absorbs the fat and gives the tiles all their freshness, a trick that can be used once a month to keep the tiles shiny.

6. Linseed oil to nourish dull tiles

Some tiles become dull simply because the material needs to be fed. With ceramic or terracotta tiles, in particular, linseed oil is the miracle solution! It is applied with a cloth directly on the tiles, but in very small quantities to avoid the rink effect. An other idea ? There are mixtures of black soap and linseed oil already ready to use to clean and nourish tiling that has become dull at the same time  !
